Monday, September 6, 2010

7.1 earth shaker

At around 4:35am early saturday morning a 7.1 magnitude earth-quake hit Christchurch. It was by far the worst earth quake I've been in. The amazing thing is that no one was killed.
Poor mum and dad had come up to stay with us for dad's birthday.
At the moment we're still in civil defense mode, with many many aftershocks. There's a real issue of more damage to buildings, people's homes. Also with water contamination. It's gonna be a huge clean up.
It's times like these that your so thank-ful for loved ones, friends and the blessing of everyone been safe.


  1. OMG Jason I'm sorry to hear that man! Thank God that no one got killed. I'm terrified of earthquakes... I can only remember having experienced one here in Lisbon. it was 6.1 and was scary as hell, so I can't even imagine what it was like for you and your family. I hope that the aftershocks stop and everything goes back to normal with no earthquake for like... ever.
    Good luck and all the best. I'll say a prayer for you :)

  2. Thanks Francisco.
    It has certainly being a surreal time. No joke but we've had officially (and this will change) 1107 aftershocks. Granted we won't feel all of them but it's been like rock and roll for close to 3 weeks.
    Goes to show how things can change in an instance.
    Thanks for visiting and take care....God Bless.

  3. say whutt??? 1107 aftershocks?? oh GOD!
    Yeah... situations like this can really male you look at life from a different perspective eh?
    Well, let's hope it all goes back to normal soon with no more incidents. All the best!
