Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lobster Johnson fanart: Feathering technique

Just started to colour-up this image. I've tried another technique which I like the look of. It's selecting the area's to shade and then feathering. This gives the image a much softer look. I initially had the outlines all in black (to harsh), so I coloured them respectively to the subject.
Definitely stoked with outlook so far.
I learn't this technique from Shane Lewis. Check out his tutorial. His blog is definitely worth a visit - he's got some funny-as pics!!!
Will post finished image later.
Bye for now and any thoughts on your colouring process would be very welcome.


  1. esta bueno.cuando lo veremos todo pintado?

  2. gracias por la visiĆ³n, AVS.
    Yeah, hope to have it finished up soon.
